Get Yo Paczki

Re: Post from Fat Tuesday 2017

This morning while sipping my coffee I realized it was Fat Tuesday aka Paczki Day and I was without a paczki. While in some parts of the world revelers are dancing in the streets for carnival, today is the day I always indulge in one (or a few) of Poland’s most calorie-laden pastries, the paczki. Keep Reading!

Kombucha Homebrew Update

To follow-up on my first attempt on brewing kombucha, IT WAS A SUCCESS!

I allowed the tea to ferment for 1 week and then removed the mother/scoby (which now, there were 2!) I had my dear friend Ruth come over for moral support as I peeled away the mothers/scobys from one another, thankfully it was not nearly as bad as I had envisioned, (I do have a sense of dramatization.)  The texture of the pancake-like mother/scoby was firmer than I anticipated, I was suspecting it to be ooey, gooey and slimetastic!

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Mixed Fruit Rasayana

Yesterday was a wintry wonderland with white frosted trees and brisk air that marked my cheeks a rosy hue. Today, however was filled with slush and intermittent raindrops. A day that left me in a shade of grey. I left work in the rain and came home to a mug of tea, mail and more emails. I discarded my work clothes for some yoga ones and headed out the door in hopes of some restoration!  Great news…yoga was very relevant today taking on the form of back-bending and twisting. These asanas help open the chest and release any negative emotions which perked me up enough to head home to the kitchen!
Continue reading “Mixed Fruit Rasayana”