Get Yo Paczki

Re: Post from Fat Tuesday 2017

This morning while sipping my coffee I realized it was Fat Tuesday aka Paczki Day and I was without a paczki. While in some parts of the world revelers are dancing in the streets for carnival, today is the day I always indulge in one (or a few) of Poland’s most calorie-laden pastries, the paczki. Keep Reading!

Rustic Mixed Berry Galette

If you have a hankering for pie, this rustic galette takes all the great qualities from a regular pie –– a browned pastry crust plus a gooey fruit filling minus all the fuss thanks to its free-form style. Keep Reading!

No-Knead Bread

Hands down, easiest bread recipe….ever. No special tools, no kneading and no fancy techniques or ingredients, this bread recipe inspired by Jim Lahey’s popular pugliese sold at his Sullivan Street Bakery, is life-changing. I never dreamed that I could make bread this good. Keep Reading!