Vietnamese Coffee and Peanut Sesame Gelato

Tucked away on the backside of Chinatown lies a tiny enclave of brick residential homes and a smattering of sidewalk cafes and restaurants, with a temperament that extends off the hippie vibe of Kensington market, but in a grown up way. This is Baldwin Village. For Torontonians, it’s where the infamous 2-for-1 Chinese fried lobster special from Wah Sing resides. It’s also home to a sweet gelato shop featuring Asian-flavored gelato.
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What In The World Are Banana Blossoms & More Importantly, How Do You Eat Them!?

You know when you happen upon something unfamiliar and then you encounter it repeatedly? I called it serendipity or fortunate happenstance, but science has another term for it, the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. Mine is currently banana blossoms. Keep Reading!

Remix: Born to hand CHIVE baby!

The following recipe is a spin-off from a class I took with the Grand Rapids Cooking School at the Uptown Kitchen in Grand Rapids, MI.  At the class we made a Garlic Chive and Almond Pesto which was shockingly green and highly addicting!  I remixed it fusion-style with Asian Chives (which are very garlicky) and Candlenuts.  Candlenuts frequent the sauces and sambals of Malay and Indonesian cooking, acting as a thickener and are known for their high oil content.  I find it interesting, that throughout various parts of the world the candlenut plant is medicinal, treating ailments with the bark, leaves and fruit.
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